
Mercury-Mercruiser 8M0124238 Replaced by 8M0163301

8M0124238 Replaced by 8M0163301 has been superceded to a new part number.
The newest part number is 8M0187365 -click here- to see the newest superceded part
Please note the new superceded part is a functional replacement and may look differant from the original part
Manufacturer part number: 8M0124238
GTIN: 745061008113
Pickup or normally ships: Not in stock and is no longer made - we do not have any
Product Shipping specifications = pounds and inches

Remanufactured PRO‑Series Longblock 8M0124238

GM 8 Cyl., 5.7 Liter Gen+ 350 V8
(Left‑Hand Standard Rotation) with remanufactured Vortec cylinder heads. 

Replaces 2002‑2004 MerCruiser 350 MPI Multi‑Port Fuel Injected sterndrive & inboard marine engines. This block has provisions for a CPS (Crank Position Sensor). There are no provisions for a mechanical fuel pump. This engine is interchangeable the 8M0057442.

Remanufactured PRO‑Series Longblock 8M0124238

GM 8 Cyl., 5.7 Liter Gen+ 350 V8
(Left‑Hand Standard Rotation) with remanufactured Vortec cylinder heads. 

Replaces 2002‑2004 MerCruiser 350 MPI Multi‑Port Fuel Injected sterndrive & inboard marine engines. This block has provisions for a CPS (Crank Position Sensor). There are no provisions for a mechanical fuel pump. This engine is interchangeable the 8M0057442.
